Advance your learning and build your future!

Our courses...

Some of the awesome classes we're offering.

What do our students say?

Hear from students, parents, and leaders in the learning space on how Bloom Institute inspires students in new fields.

Learn new skills from our unique classes.

Here are some common questions. Heads up—this is also why we're unique.

Absolutely nothing. Our courses are completely free.

We adhere in line with the original goals of Bloom Institute—accessible and nontraditional education for all.

All of our curricula are modeled to be easy, gamified, and 100% virtual.

This means our assignments, homework, and lessons will have a packed mix of educational games, concrete information, and engaging activities. Our materials are modeled after professionally published books and tutorials. Bloom Institute tutors are qualified either through the AP test or other college/highschool-accredited course.

All of our classes are fully accessible online. Only internet and a device is needed to become a part of our community. Other than in-person workshops, we want international communities to have access to our unique education, too!

Most of our tutors are comprised of passionate and ambitious high schoolers that volunteer to teach younger students.

Bloom Institute’s tutors aim to offer engaging, free education to socioeconomically disadvantaged children.

All our courses lists its designated tutors, their experience, and subject. Just click on any course for more details!

There's only three steps.

We like to keep things simple (and fun)!

01. Enroll

The hardest step, but don't be afraid! We're here to help!

02. Learn

Courses taught by instructors who have took the course.

03. Graduate

Use the knowledge from your course and apply it!

Want to join us?

Instructors and leaders from around the world teach hundreds of students through Bloom Institute. We provide the tools and skills to teach what you love.