Introduction to Fashion Design

✧ Course Description: Introduction to Fashion Design is a free introductory course about how to transform inspiration into wearable art […]
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6 week

Course Overview

✧ Course Description:
Introduction to Fashion Design is a free introductory course about how to transform inspiration into wearable art that reflects individual creativity and current trends. Through this detailed course of content and review, students will be able to understand the significant basics including: principles of fashion design, styles, fabrics, marketing and sustainability. By the end of this course, students will be able to gain crucial skills necessary to thrive as they grow older and enter either a semi-professional or professional environment.

✧ Course Features:
The Fashion Design Bloomers curriculum was inspired by the LSS Fashion Design Course. Our course will include the following features to promote understanding of the different aspects of the creative process of fashion design, as well as plenty of engaging and interactive activities to solidify the lessons learned.

A series of lessons on fundamental fashion design knowledge including: color theory, elements and principles of fashion design, fashion sketches, fabrics, and an understanding of pattern development.
Participating in engaging activities and discussions with classmates such as drawing your own fashion designs, researching trends through observation and consumer behavior, creating a fashion brand while understanding sustainability.
A culminating final project where students will encapsulate their understanding of the lessons by creating a fashion portfolio used to pitch to hypothetical investors who want to partner with your upcoming fashion brand.

✧ Course Calendar:
Start date: 06/10
End date: 07/15
All assignments will be posted every Monday by 11:00am PST.



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